There were minor changes to the set list, compared to the show back in the fall... But they were good changes

Some highlights:
- Gary apparently has a secret crush on Nathan... Well, not so secret anymore! Then he told us about OK Go lead singer Damian Kulash's amazing buns of steel... And commented at his extreme gayness tonight. It's okay, Gary. We still love you!
-Gary was having trouble tuning his guitar between songs, which is what got him rambling about his love for Nathan. And then he dedicated the next song - can't remember which one it was - to Nathan. And then they pretended to kiss. I think the song was Chocolate.
-Snow Patrol shot the video for Signal Fire in Montreal on Thursday. It's apparently super cute, since it's a Spiderman play put on by little kids... upside down kiss and all! And apparently all the ladies fancied Nathan

-Gary called for someone from the audience to come sing Set the Fire to the 3rd Bar with him... The first girl, it turns out, did not only not know the words... she didn't even know the song! Gary said he felt like Simon Cowell, but that she unfortunately wouldn't be able to sing along then... The girl said her friends were pointing to her as a joke...
-The second girl Gary chose, Marianne, did an awesome job. Yes, she was a bit shy, especially in the singing part (although I'm sure they didn't turn up her mic completely, just in case she sucked - which she didn't). But she stole water from Gary's water bottle without even asking! That was definitely a funny moment.
- The crowd was absolutely stunning! I was standing next to the audio and lights guys, and you could see the audio techs raving about the amazing sound quality coming through his headphones. The crowd reacted perfectly to everything... hands waving in sink, open palms during Hands Open, lighting up during Run... It was stunning.
- The best thing the crowd did all night? Chanting "Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole" while waiting for Snow Patrol to come back on stage for the encore. Foot stamping and all, the building was totally rocking!
Overall, it was an awesome show!!! I'm still excited that I got to meet Gary and Jonny after the show, near the back door. Got a signed set list and all. Thanks guys!!

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