Well, school's over... Has been for a few weeks now.
Applied at Telus, didn't get it because I didn't have enough experience, but apparently I fit the sales profile perfectly, so I'll apply to that when they start hiring, which should be soonish.
Meanwhile, I'm doing freelance translations. French to English, easy, don't have to get dressed, and pays pretty well ($25 or $50) depending on the length.
Also, I just got hired at Lush!!! :D 50% employee discount, here I come!!!!
The dress code is black pants and black and/or white tops. So I need to go shopping. lol. Gonna get me some black gauchos. Been wanting some forever. Since December, actually. :P
I should be starting the first week of May.
Also, grades are starting to come in. B+ in 309 (principles of editing), A- in 203 (radio broadcasting), A- in 318 (Advanced desktop publication).
Maya's in England, I hope she's having a blast!!!! Haven't seen her in forever! I super miss her. Her and her giant boobies which, it turns out, are not so giant compared to mine, as I found out when the LaSenza lady measured me.
Meanwhile, the Habs made the playoffs because Atlanta lost. I went to see last night's game, freaking amazing!!!!!! Even if we lost. For most of the second-third periods we were hopping they'd lose so that we'd get to play Ottawa instead of Carolina.
Went to see my security guard Mark after the game. He was working inside the garage (as he had been the last game I went to see. Except last game, I didn't ask. This game, I asked one of his minions, and they told me.) During our conversation, I revealed howI had learned not to let ppl push me around.
I'm gonna go see him after Wednesday's game. Can't afford tickets tho, so that sucks :(
Also, Katie and Kris are getting roped into a Girl's Night Out... watching Hockey. LOL!
As for the relevance of the getting what I want part.... I got 2 autographs last night, better than any players' autographs I could have gotten. Since I pretty much have them all. Except maybe for Garth Murray and Andrew Downey. So I got Jack Todd's autograph, which was easy, coz we've met before. At the Concordia Sportsnet conference. Which reminds me, I shall be applying for that this year. The scholarship/mentorship, that is :D
We talked for a bit, and I asked for his autograph. He wrote "Naila, will miss you in Carolina" and signed. Then, later, just after I finished telling Mark about getting what I want, I see Red Fisher coming out of the media entrance. So I walk up to him and get him before he catches a cab. And ask him for his autograph. And tell him how I love his stuff, but in a way, I really want him to retire, because I want his job. And that I'm a journalism student. So he says, "You'll have to wait for a while" and I said, "Yeah, another 20 years I bet!" :P Which is funny. Because he just got honoured by the Canadiens on Saturday for being an excellent sportswriter and following them for the past 50 years. Read the article here.
Turns out, as I was doing that, Mark told Kris that he doubted I'd get an autograph from him. Because Red rarely signs. Apparently it went kinda like this, "Oh, Red doesn't usually sign... I don't think she's gonna. oh. Nevermind."
Also, I got a bursary, from the Concordia University Alumni Association. For $1000. I haven't deposited it yet. I want my picture taken with it first! :P
And I got lotsa stuff for my bday. Thank you everyone for your good wishes!
I got a HABS VINTAGE JERSEY SWEATER (beige)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wore it last night. It's amazing :P
I bought myself a ringtone (Your Song, by Elton John) for the occasion. It was a rocking bday/easter/end of school year.
Well, that just about wraps it up for the update. Tonight, ALIAS!!!!!!!!! Super Triumphant 2 Hour Return!!!
Couldn't remember what happened before, it's been so long. So I downloaded the last 2 episodes. Now, gotta watch last night's Gilmore Girls and Pepper Dennis (already watched House), then proceed to "previously on ALIAS" before the big show!
Also, I should get dressed, clean the living room, and get laundry money. Ah, well. What gets done, will get done. Not like I've got anything else to do ;)
Stay tuned...
Secrets you don't know about me: I sometimes use Lush's solid shampoo, coconut scent.
ReplyDeleteWell then.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone ever tells me you smell good, I'll know what to tell them. And more importantly, I'll be able to tell girls that their boyfriends would love a gift of Trichomania ;)